Thursday, April 1, 2010


Eyes are my favorite body organ.
You can tell so much from a person just by looking into their eyes.
I've been reading about Iridology.
Which is the idea that the iris can be used as a map to tell about ones genetics and give clues as to the health of the body.

Here is a picture of my eye do I look healthy?

and here is a picture of my boyfriend Corbin's eye.
His eye is allot more interesting than mine;
He has gotten surgery on this eye and there is still a little black speck from an accident involving a bomb exploding to close to him.
Other than that he is also baked!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even have to read to figure out which one was Corbins, hahah! Very nice eyeballs though. Does your iridology say that you are healthy?
