Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Houseplant addiction

So every time I go to superstore (which is fairly often for late night snacks) I go to the plant section, and in that section at the very back corner there is a metal shelf with all the discount plants on it.
I always feel sorry for these half alive plants banished to the back with neon 50% off stickers all over their pots.
They are usually only $2 so (of course) I save their sorry asses.
Thus, my coffee table is now a halfway house for plants.
Maybe its because I have an addiction to discount bins.
Or Maybe its because I have an addiction to LOVE.

I saved this one from my brother who is not capable of taking care of a plant.
This is a frosty fern.


  1. Excellent! I rescued a really pretty pink plant from Zellers but as soon as I took it home it pretty much curled up and died. :( All I can seem to work with are cacti and small trees haha since it's pretty hard to kill those.

  2. haha true, I tend to over water my plants because I am so stoked to see them grow.
    Its a classic case of hugging something so hard that you crush it to death.

    love overload haha

  3. i had a bonsai & my friends died..
    i offered to revive his plants life.. took it home & figured they could grow together... they both ended up dead. :(

  4. awh thats no fun :(
    bonsai trees are so cute!

  5. i've been thinking about getting some plants for my apartment lately, i think i shall go take a peek at the discount sections!
